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Career Advice

5 ways to better networking


Especially those who have their own business or start-up can’t think of going forward without proper networking. To build up a powerful personal relationship, it is important to be aware of others' expectations and adjust one's behaviour accordingly. Here are five simple characteristics that will help you to build up a strong network.
Be a good listener

The ultimate success in networking depends on how well we listen and learn. Try to learn more about your networking partner, and their needs and concerns. Networking is mostly about connecting with the other person. Connect with people, help them with their needs, and seek what you need.
Exhibit positivity

Your attitude is one of the primary things that people notice about you. Your positive attitude will make people want to cooperate and associate with you. This will help to build up your networking in no time. Businessmen with positive attitudes are considered magnetic, since everyone wants to be around them.
Have the willingness to collaborate

You might know a lot about others, but until you show some care, it won’t matter. Helping people puts care into action so that others can see it at work. People will be genuinely interested in building up a relationship with you when they see you are not in it just for yourself. Willingness to collaborate is absolutely essential for strong networking.
Be sincere

You need to be sincere in what you say and do – only listening and offering help won't do. If you are not genuinely interested in the other person, they will know. Those who have developed successful networking skills convey sincerity at every turn.
Follow up

Follow up is crucial in networking. If you fail to follow up, people will stop wasting time on you sooner or later. It usually doesn’t matter what medium are you using to follow up, but the act of following up is absolutely necessary.

Collected from Dhaka Tribune

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