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Career Advice

Best job search tips to land a job you want


Finding a new job can be challenging for anyone, especially if you are a recent college graduate.
If you are facing a hard time landing a job you want, here are some quick tips that will speed up your hiring process.
1. Identify your skills
Applying for every job is the common mistake made by many job seekers. The best way is to first identify your key skills and search for job titles that match your career goals.
Add and highlight your key skills on your resume to key your profile relevant for employers. Focusing on specific skill sets open up the right career opportunities and keeps your focus in the right direction.
Also Read: Develop new skills with Free online courses for freshers
2. Customize your resume
One resume doesn’t fit all jobs for sure. You need to customize your resume for every job vacancy and make it relevant for each employer.
Any employer gives just a few seconds to review any resume and you can’t make any mistake that reduces your chances of getting shortlisted. Therefore, tweak your resume to make it a close match to the hiring manager requirements.
Also Read: Looking out for a job? Avoid adding these things to your resume!
3. Refine your job search
For a more effective job search, narrow down to the best options, and prepare a list of companies you wish to apply for. It is important to see which specific companies and job roles match your career objective and offer you more learning, growth, and exposure to new opportunities.
Learn more about the right companies by visiting their career site, their social media presence, available news, press releases, culture, and company’s overview. This will help you to shortlist the top 10 companies you would want to focus on finding a job opportunity
4. Prepare for job interviews
Apart from searching a job, you also need to keep practicing for answering common interview questions. Take several mock interviews and learn about what different and unique questions employers can ask.
Preparing in advance will make you feel confident and you keep you ahead of the competition.
5. Follow-up after an interview
Preparing well for an interview is not sufficient. You should also stay on top of the hiring manager’s mind after an interview. It is always a good idea to send a ‘Thank You’ letter as a way to follow-up after the interview.
Hope these simple tips will help you in your job search.
All the best!
Collected from career-guidance

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Career Advice

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Career Advice

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Career Advice

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