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Career Advice



You studied hard and it paid off. Now, it’s time to put your education to work. Are you ready to tackle your career goals with the same dedication and vigor? While you knew what it took to earn an “A” in school, do you know what it takes to make the grade in your career? A recent study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) revealed eight career-readiness competencies that employers look for in a new hire. Interestingly, student perceptions about their proficiency in most areas were drastically different from those of employers. This could present real challenges for graduates entering the workforce if their skills don’t measure up to what employers expect. Here are eight competencies that define career readiness and how students perceived their proficiency versus employers: Professionalism/Work Ethic: 42.5% of employers rated new grads proficient; 89.4% of students rated themselves proficient Oral/Written Communications: 41.6% of employers rated new grads proficient; 79.4% of students rated themselves proficient
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: 55.8% of employers rated new grads proficient; 79.9% of students rated themselves proficient
Teamwork/Collaboration: 77% of employers rated new grads proficient; 85.1% of students rated themselves proficient
Leadership: 33% of employers rated new grads proficient; 70.5% of students rated themselves proficient
Digital Technology: 65.8% of employers rated new grads proficient; 59.9% of students rated themselves proficient
Career Management: 17.3% of employers rated new grads proficient; 40.9% of students rated themselves proficient
Global /Intercultural Fluency: 20.7% of employers rated new grads proficient; 34.9% of students rated themselves proficient
As you prepare to enter the workforce, make it your goal to step up your skills and prove to employers you have the competencies required to succeed in their organization!
Collected from spherion

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Career Advice

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Career Advice

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Career Advice

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