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Career Advice

6 surefire ways to reach optimal peak performance


If you’re asking yourself, “what does peak performance look like?”, this is your answer. This is what peak performance looks like in individuals and organizations. 

1. Increased productivity 
Increased productivity is one key characteristic of peak performance. We know that humans aren’t (and shouldn’t be) at a 110% level of productivity 100% of the time. 

So when you hit your stride and you feel like you’re knocking out item after item on your to-do list, you’ve likely hit peak performance. The caveat is that while you’re getting a lot done, you might also be stretching your mind. Your quality of work matches your productivity and you’re able to maintain that flow state into a state of peak performance. 
2. Strong emotional regulation skills 
According to our data, BetterUp Members who have strong emotional regulation skills have 153% higher team performance as rated by their direct reports. 

The ability to regulate your emotions is a lifelong skill that benefits you in many different ways. With emotional regulation skills, you’re creating the space to be self-aware.

You’re better equipped to handle any potential triggers or setbacks that may come your way. If something does ruffle your feathers, you’re able to stay resilient and agile. You may see an improvement in your relationships (both personal and professional). 

3. Resilience 
Another key characteristic of peak performance is resilience. Humans are more resilient than we tend to think. In order to reach peak performance, it’s inevitable that you’ll come across a set of challenges on your way. 

But resilience will help you to recognize potential problems and balance priorities in the face of challenges. Resilience also helps you cope with stress and adversity. 

4. Agility 
Our data also reports that Members with high emotional regulation skills and peak performance are also rated 24% higher for team agility by their direct reports. 

Especially since the pandemic, the world is constantly changing. In order to navigate change and uncertainty, humans need a certain level of future-mindedness to stay agile. Agility is a defining characteristic of peak performance in today’s day and age. 

5. Goal attainment 
Another key characteristic of peak performance is your ability to reach your goals. As mentioned earlier, everyone’s level of peak performance is going to be different. We’re all human with unique passions, needs, and goals. 

But one commonality of reaching peak performance is goal attainment. 

6. Happiness or satisfaction 
According to Maslow, peak experiences are described as “especially joyous and exciting moments in life, involving sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being, wonder and awe, and possibly also involving an awareness of transcendental unity or knowledge of higher truth.”  

Happiness or satisfaction is a rewarding characteristic of peak performance. It’s this state where you feel the benefits of all the work you’ve put into reaching this level of human performance. You’re able to soak in the feeling of accomplishment and joy. 
Collected from Better Up

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