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Career Advice

Handling Salary History & Requirements on Online Job Applications


The question is: how can you apply for the job as a qualified candidate without putting yourself at a disadvantage by talking money first? Here are some ideas:

Determine if the job is the right fit before you apply. The salary might be attractive, but if the job would not be the best use of your strongest skill sets, you are better off passing up the opportunity.
Submit a well-researched “desired salary” figure for the job. Some excellent resources for salary research are JobSearchIntelligence.com, PayScale.com and Salary.com.
Factor your “ideal range” into your “desired salary.” In his book, Jack Chapman talks about the importance of knowing your Ideal (highest), Satisfactory (acceptable) and No-Go (unacceptable) salary numbers; your “ideal range figure” should be the average of the “Ideal” and “Satisfactory” number, leaving room to negotiate up.
Be truthful about your salary history because these figures can be easily verified for accuracy. Employers disqualify applicants who submit falsified information, which is a far more serious issue than quoting a desired salary that may be too high.
Look for additional ways to communicate. If the application allows you to submit a cover letter or commentary, you can explain that your “desired salary” is negotiable, which you’ll be glad to discuss further when appropriate.
Nick Corcodilos, a.k.a. “Ask the Headhunter” has other insights about handling salary info online. In a blog post (“Salary History: Can You Afford to Say NO?”) he said:

“Ignore the application and “find a better way in the door…” He also cautions that companies who want salary figures upfront may be reflective of a “herd mentality” culture. “If you don’t cooperate [by refusing to submit your salary info online] the company has plenty of other applicants who will do what they’re told, and destroy their ability to negotiate… It wants cows, not people who think and act outside the box. Join a company like that…and soon you’ll be looking for yet another job.”
Salary negotiations can be tricky, especially if you have to reveal your salary history and requirements when applying online. If you skillfully use the strategies above, you’ll get your foot in the door and be able to negotiate your best compensation package—after you get the interview and are offered the job.


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