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Does your workplace reflect a culture of innovation?


Job Life

Successful companies strive for continuous improvement. But do not expect a few people at the top to do all the new thinking. After all, it is generally people closest to the problem


How Long Is Too Long for Your Resume?


Career Advice

It can be hard to prioritize what to include on your resume and what to leave out. This becomes doubly difficult when no one can tell you for sure exactly how long a resume should even be. It used to be a tried-and-true r


The Top Programming Languages to Learn in the Life Sciences


Career Advice

Top Programming Languages in Dry Labs For decades, research and drug development depended on experiments that took place in wet labs, or labs that utilize physical samples, chemicals and liquids. Now, biopharmaceutical companies are filling seat


The Best Life Science Careers for the Future of the Industry


Career Advice

The Best Life Science Careers for the Future That said, here are a few life science sectors that are expected to maintain steady growth in the coming years.