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Inflation-Based Salary Trends and Considerations


Job Life

You have felt the “ouch” at the grocery store and at the gas pump, and you may be wondering how your paycheck can keep up with inflation. Combine that with a rapidly moving job market predicated by the &ld


When You Think, or Others Say, You Are Not Brave Enough


Career Advice

A colleague reached out to me recently and shared apologetically they’re not being brave enough to take the leap as a full-time entrepreneur. And I immediately had that screaming voice in my head that just goes,


Take Steps to Modernize Your Resume


Job Life

When it comes to resumes, there are some classic mistakes you always want to avoid. But there is also room for interpretation about what makes a “good” resume. Tips and tricks you learned from your parents


Great examples of performance management to rely on


Job Life

Organizations need a performance management system that actively works for both employees and business growth. A one-and-done is not going to cut it, and neither will generic check boxes.