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5 ways to build a good reputation at work


If you want to build a positive and strong reputation at work, heed our following advice.
1. Go above and beyond what's expected
The first way to start building a good reputation as a new hire is by going above and beyond what's expected.
This can be done by taking on a range of additional duties, such as providing three examples when you were only asked for one, or sending a project across in the afternoon instead of the next morning.
Going above what's expected of you and taking on additional duties will work wonders and make you stand out.
2. Offer your opinion with tact
As an employee, you need to remember that you have been hired because you have the skills and knowledge to make the company better. Therefore, your opinion is extremely valuable.
If you want to create a good reputation, remember it's much better to offer your opinion with tact rather than bluntly or not at all. By offering your thoughts appropriately, via suggesting rather than questioning, for example, you will refrain from serving a side dish of rudeness.
As a result, not only will you prove you're great to work with by tactfully sharing your opinions, but you'll show you're knowledgeable and forward-thinking, too.
3. Keep the complaining on the down low
We all know that work can be tough at times. But rather than complaining to everyone in the office like your old aunt Jill on her porch, it's better to handle your feelings of negativity in a much more constructive manner.
Complaining is a seriously toxic behaviour, and as you may expect, complainers don't have the most professional of reputations as they just bring everyone else down and ruin positive work environments. Therefore, to avoid a crumbling workplace reputation, try to develop solutions or take a different outlook.
4. Go the extra mile to help others
Another way to add worthwhile weight to your reputation is by going the extra mile to help your colleagues. Whether that's by offering an extra hand when you know they're inundated with paperwork or simply making them look great in a meeting, helping out your colleagues can be extremely rewarding for your morals and your career. It can also show your boss that you're ready to take on more opportunities.
5. Do what you say you'll do — consistently!
Doing what you say you'll do will help build your positive reputation at work in several ways.
Firstly, it shows that you're a team player, you can be counted on and that you can strive to deliver effectively. Secondly, it shows that you're trustworthy and that you can maintain confidences in all matters about the workplace.  Finally, it shows that you know your stuff and that you can take the pressure — all key traits in a successful individual.
Follow these five simple steps, and you'll build a positive reputation at work and be heading on the home straight to career success in no time.
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