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4 Tips on How to Give Constructive Criticism


Effective feedback is crucial in the workplace and can come from managers, supervisors, peers, and even customers. Its effectiveness is what will constitute workplace excellence. These tips below will guarantee you are providing the most effective feedback and constructive criticism.     
1. Word it carefully
Providing feedback comes down to targeting a specific outcome. When peers’ performance is improved by guided criticism and steered in the right direction, then the effectiveness is greater. Focus on what was done well before pointing out any mistakes or improvements. For example try, “It was really helpful that you guided the customer to the help line, next time try transferring the customer to the supervisor on call.” This type of feedback allows the peer to know they had the right idea in mind and gives that extra push for improvement. Remember, what you’re saying should be beneficial to not only your peers but for the team as a whole to achieve the best results.
2. It’s all about how you say it
Constructive advice should be given in a manner that benefits the recipient. Delivering feedback that is presented in a positive manner allows room for learning and growth. Provide feedback that is honest, specific, and reinforces what was done correctly. Honesty is essential without being harsh or discouraging. The vital part to effective feedback is to point out what was done right and how it can be improved in the future without completely shutting down your peer. If a certain feedback is difficult to address, make sure to plan what you will say ahead of time or jot down some bullet points to stay on track efficiently.
3. Focus on the bigger picture
Constructive criticism should not reflect on a person’s character, it should in fact focus on the situation at hand. Focusing on how an outcome can be improved is far more effective than commenting on a person’s judgment. The last thing a person wants to feel is attacked. Think about the end goal and the positive performance results it will have.
4. Be meaningful
Effective feedback and criticism will ultimately build trust and collaboration. Giving meaningful and critical feedback involves giving feedback the person can actually use next time. This should involve not just stating an opinion, but giving suggestions and providing in-depth improvements. For example saying “Your presentation was boring,” doesn’t allow a peer any in-depth explanation or ideas on how to improve next time. Instead say, “What about starting the presentation with a hook to engage the audience?” This type of feedback is meaningful and the person on the other end will appreciate it. This will open up a noteworthy discussion.
Collected from ulticareer

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