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6 Things I Wish I Knew Before College


Truth is, deciding what you want to do right after high school is not easy and unfortunately everything learned in high school is not enough to prepare you for the challenges of college. Here are a few things I wish I knew before college from my experience:
1. How the FAFSA works
Although a school advisor helped me with the FAFSA process prior to attending college, I wish I knew the complete break down and what it all means. My freshman year of college I wasn’t aware that a loan offered could be lessened by request and that I did not need to take out the full loan.
2. Renting an apartment close to campus is overpriced
When I signed my first lease sophomore year of college, I was relieved that it was only a 10-minute walk from school. Everyone from college lived on this street and the sense of community was abundant. However, these apartments close to campus were overpriced, very small, and poorly managed. It wasn’t until I moved away from campus after graduation that I realized how much more you get for your buck! The apartments were much nicer and more spacious.
3. How student loans work
We all sign that student loan-counseling document which states we have reviewed it. Unfortunately, I did not have family resources or friends to review the notes with. I wish I knew the difference between all loans, how interest rates are affected, and how things like deferment work. These are all things I learned with trial and error through my college years but being knowledgeable in these areas prior would have been a game changer.
4. The more community work and involvement you have in your school, the better
Participating and joining campus clubs helps to promote values that can later be utilized and add to your resume. Planning before graduation is key to making gratifying career choices once you graduate. Yes, you want to have fun during college, but it is in your best interest to apply to extra programs, internships, networking events, and make sure to foster strong relationships before you graduate. Fostering meaningful relationships is crucial for your growth after graduation.
5. The freshman 15 is true
I got into the best shape of my life years after college. However, my health was the least of my worries when it came to all the homework and partying at school. I wish I had utilized the school gym more and focused on how exercise and healthy eating habits foster a strong body and mind. Many colleges are huge on exercise and I wish I was more involved during my college life.
6. This too shall pass
There were so many events and circumstances that occurred during college that made me feel like everything was the end of the world. From stressful teachers, not so great grades, boys, and more, I wish I knew that those years fly by and some of those events weren’t worth stressing over.
Collected from Miguelina Felix

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