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The job market is starting to show signs of recovery and given the opportunity, many workers are intent to make a change. According to the latest Emerging Workforce® Study, 29 percent of all workers say they are likely to look for a new job in the next 12 months. If you’re in that camp, here are some tips on how to minimize the challenges of the transition process and leave on positive terms. Prepare before you share … There are many reasons workers opt to change jobs, from career growth opportunities to poor job satisfaction. Whatever your reason, don’t be hasty in letting others know you’re out of there. Keep your decision to yourself until you’ve done your due diligence. If you have a job offer in hand (and by that, I mean in writing), there are several things to consider:
  • Giving notice - Two weeks is the standard, more if you’ve been there awhile. Make sure you allocate ample time for notice before committing to your next employer’s start date.
  • Taking vacation time - Review your company’s policy regarding paid vacation time. If it’s a ‘use it or lose it’ policy, you may want to consider taking it before you resign.
  • Crafting your resignation letter – Keep it professional and make sure it includes all of the essential information (final day of work, agreed deliverables, etc.).
  • Breaking the news– Schedule a meeting with your supervisor to break the news. Have a copy of your resignation letter in hand and be prepared to explain your decision to leave.
Offer your support No one knows your job better than you. If you want to resign on a positive note, be proactive in offering your support through the transition process. To the best of your ability, finish up existing projects and make a list of any ongoing initiatives that will require immediate support. If you are willing and able, make yourself available via phone or email to answer questions that may arise after you’re gone. Transfer your knowledge A big part of a smooth transition is transferring your job knowledge to the next prospective employee. Create a document (cheat sheet of sorts) that details various processes, information, contacts and tips that will help the next associate ramp up quickly. Not sure where to start? Think through a typical week and start listing out standard tasks, projects and questions. The more thorough you are in sharing your knowledge, the better equipped your supervisor will be in transitioning your role to a new employee. Parting ways with an employer is never easy. But, if you prepare wisely, offer your support and transfer your job knowledge, you will make it a positive and successful transition!
Collected from /career-advice

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