How to Make a Good Impression at a First Business Meeting
Any small business entrepreneur knows that growing the business relies on much more than just a good idea. No matter how good the product is, if you don't make a good impression at the first business meeting, you could lose a potential new backer or crucial business partnership. Employees new to the business face similar issues when attending a company business meeting for the first time. Managing your image and keeping abreast of common business etiquette is a skill that all employees should master, regardless of where each individual is in his career.
Be punctual. Always arrive on time to a business meeting so that you don't waste other people's time while they sit and wait for you to arrive. Don't arrive too early -- a few minutes is ideal, but much more than that cuts into other people's ability to prepare for the meeting and makes everyone uncomfortable. If you are early, find something else to do such as getting a drink of water, fixing your hair or washing your hands in cold water so they won't be sweaty when shaking hands.
Dress appropriately -- a notch above the average workplace attire. If you are meeting with representatives from other organizations, a formal business suit in dark colors is appropriate unless it is significantly outside the industry norms. Select a plain or pin-striped shirt; men should wear a coordinating tie. Present a neat, clean appearance with freshly shined shoes, pressed clothing and clean, trimmed nails.
Make small talk and put others at ease before the meeting starts. Introduce yourself to the other participants. Listen attentively to the conversation -- don't check your emails or chew gum -- and pay attention to personal details that, over time, can help you build a long-term relationship with the other attendees.
Conduct research in advance. Review business materials and internet information to discover the company's recent accomplishments, new initiatives and key projects. Prepare one or two key questions and objectives in advance that you hope to cover during the meeting.
Strike the right balance -- make relevant contributions but avoid talking too much. Don't interrupt other people when they are talking. Avoid conflict -- a business meeting with others is not the appropriate place to resolve personal disagreements. Keep your interactions professional, on target and to the point. Don't engage in meandering discussion or get side-tracked on a tangent. If you called the meeting, create an agenda and stick to it, politely redirecting other participants if they get too far off topic.