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Why you shouldn't let AI write your CV


Career Advice

Human touch matters: the risks of relying on ChatGPT for your CV With the advent of ChatGPT, many job hunters are using the artificial intelligence (AI) software to write or enhance their CVs. While this might seem like a smart move, there ar


5 things you shouldn't put in your CV summary


Career Advice

What is a CV summary? Situated right at the top of your CV, the professional summary on a CV, also known as the professional profile, is probably the most important part of the document, as it's the first section that a hiring manager will r


Leadership competencies: 16 examples including tips


Career Advice

Unleash your leadership potential and lead with excellence Leadership is a critical skill in today's competitive business landscape. Effective leadership drives organisations to achieve their goals, inspires teams to perform at their best


Analytical intelligence: definition and how to develop and use it correctly


Career Advice

Unlock your analytical intelligence for future career growth What do Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and Abraham Lincoln have in common? They're all seen as highly developed analytical thinkers, due to being curious, detail-oriented, and th