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ক্যারিয়ার গড়ার ৫টি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ টিপস


Career Advice

সবারই স্বপ্ন থাকে ভালো কর্মক্ষেত্র সৃষ্টি করার। স্বপ্নের চাকরি পেতে সবাই সংশ্লিষ্ট বিষয়ে পড়াশোনাও করে। তবে স্বপ্নকে ধরতে পারে না তাদের কিছু ব্যক্তিগত ও ভাবনাগত অভাবের ফলে।


What is a flat organisational structure?


Career Advice

What is a flat organisational structure? A flat organisational structure is an organisational model with few levels of middle management between staff and leadership. Sometimes, there are none at all. There's effectively no hierarchy to the


How to write a rejection letter (with template and example)


Career Advice

How to write a rejection letter A stony silence from recruiters or employers is probably more painful for jobseekers than a rejection letter, especially when they've put their heart and soul into the interview. At least with a job applicant


How to write work experience on a CV - Tips and examples


Career Advice

Learn how to showcase your professional journey to impress employers Documenting your work experience on your CV to showcase your talent to prospective employers is no mean feat - especially when you have only two pages to battle with. But no