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Signs Your Potential Employer Walks the Walk


Job Life

As you weigh job opportunities, you will consider many factors: commute, job responsibilities, work-life balance, salary, and more. But as American society continues the social justice conversations that were amplified following the murder of George Fl


Here's What to Expect When the Company You Work for Gets Bought


Job Life

The company you work for has changed hands like an Olympic torch. Only you never signed up for this race. Now you feel like you’re being dragged along the track with very little control over where you’ll end up or what will happen once you


Employee vs Employer Wants: What’s Fair?


Job Life

What you want as an employee may not always line up with what your employer wants. But just because your boss is the one in power doesn’t mean you must concede to their will.  Your voice matters too. Wise employers don’t abuse their po


When to Take That Career Step Backward


Job Life

When you first started your career, you likely envisioned your trajectory as a steady climb up a steep but manageable mountain. But now that you are at least a few years in, you have realized your career has peaks and valleys—and you might even f