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How Do I Know If I am Doing Good Work?


Job Life

I received a bit of praise this morning from someone I barely knew with regards to my writing. It came at the right moment because I’ve been contemplating whether the time I spend on these pieces has value. I do


Look for warning signs of poor company culture


Job Life

A toxic work environment leaves employees feeling drained, unmotivated, and unfulfilled. Negativity thrives when a culture is unstable.


Employee vs Employer Wants: What’s Fair?


Job Life

What you want as an employee may not always line up with what your employer wants. But just because your boss is the one in power doesn’t mean you must concede to their will.  Your voice matters too. Wise e


We all need a Career Rumspringa


Job Life

Friday was a day like any other except I was interviewed for a magazine based in Sweden about inclusion. Towards the end of the conversation, I asked the journalist a few questions to better understand his history in